LVAG London Arts Center Writers and Illustrators Group
Words and pictures; art in two very different forms, yet they compliment and complete each other. It is said that a picture is worth a thousand words, so imagine what a picture and words together are worth. I can tell you; they are priceless. Stories tell us about ourselves. They show us our past, our future, our needs and wants and deepest desires. They tell us the truth and they charm us with falsehoods. They pull us into another world and at the same time they set us free. Illustrations bring those stories to life and allow us to peer into unknown places and witness things never before seen. There is nothing I love more than to touch and feel the firm cover of a book, smell the pages, see the ink and paper, and hold it in my hands. Walking into a library or bookstore is like walking into a warm, safe, heavenly space. The choices are nearly endless. Will I be on the edge of my seat with a fascinating thriller, pondering ‘whodunit’ with a twisting turning mystery, lost in a fantasy world where animals speak and humans have superpowers, or grounded and enlightened by a historical account of a major event? For those who have the talent, the gift, to write or illustrate, I hold great appreciation. To create something from nothing is powerful. A good story can take my mind and heart hostage and transport me to another place or time or both and bind me to characters so real I can reach out and touch them. I am a great reader. I love to read, and I read every chance I get. I will read anything from classics, to young adult stories, mysteries, thrillers, poems, non-fiction, cereal boxes, shampoo bottles… you get the idea. It is easy to be a great reader. Being a great writer is a different story (pun intended). The challenge to take up the pen and put words on paper, or to draw or paint a person, place, or thing that only ever existed in your mind is formidable. There is a certain level of responsibility in presenting the imagined to others in such a way that they can imagine it just as you did. If you are like me and you love to read and admire words and illustrations, or if you are one of the gifted ones who are able to put those words together or give life to them with vibrant images, please join us. The London Visual Arts Guild London Arts Center holds a Writers and Illustrators Group gathering the second Friday of every month from 4 to 6 pm. Sharing written or illustrated work is welcomed and encouraged, but not required. We gather informally to inspire one another and promote the art of writing and illustrating. And we have snacks, because everything is better with snacks. If you are inclined to join us, we would love to see you. And if you join us or not, you are welcome to submit written and/or illustrated work for the Writers and Illustrators show to be held at the London Arts Center in November 2022. May the words and pictures in your day, whether those you find or those you create, comfort you and keep you well.
Lori Ann Powell
Please contact Lori Powell at lpowell.lvag@gmail.com for information about the monthly gathering, the show, or both.