Emergency News September 14, 2023


As most of you know, the London Arts Center is experiencing plumbing and sewer problems. We have had to cancel our picnic and several classes and events.

Because we lease the building from the city of London we must wait while they obtain the necessary paperwork to get the problem fixed. Until the issue can be resolved, they will install Porta Potties at the Center for use so we can resume classes and events.

Although we have canceled our previously scheduled yearly picnic until next year, we will have free pizza and pop at our September meeting. Nominations for next year 2024 Directors will be taken at that time.

The Gallery remains open for Karla Sille’s “LIFE’S RHYTHMS ” exhibit. Jenell Schrock will have her mini photography reception Sunday Sept. 17 from 2 till 4. Our rescheduled picnic is formally canceled till next year.

Most of the  Youth classes will resume Tuesday Sept.19th. Please check with class teachers for conformation.

We have enjoyed many fun classes and events and look forward to many more this fall and 2024. If you would like to be more involved or just come and enjoy fellowship please attend the September 26 meeting and let your voices be heard

Thank you

Sandy Fox

President LVAG